Corruption results

Path langsim.modules.local_lm.corruption_results
Executable yes

Collect results from the corruption experiments, including models trained on corrupted corpora, and analyse them.


Name Type(s)
corruption_params list of A file collection containing at least one file (or a given specific number). No constraint is put on the name of the file(s). Typically, the module will just use whatever the first file(s) in the collection is
models list of KerasModelBuilderClass
vocab1s list of Dictionary
vocab2s list of Dictionary
mapped_pairs list of A file collection containing at least one file (or a given specific number). No constraint is put on the name of the file(s). Typically, the module will just use whatever the first file(s) in the collection is


Name Type(s)
analysis NamedFile()
files UnnamedFileCollection